Thankful Thursday - Spring - A Renewal of Life!

Shall I compare thee to a summers day_ Thou art more lovely and more temperate...png

If you live in Florida or California you may not acknowledge or appreciate the changing of the seasons like we do in the Pacific Northwest.  Winter tends to drag on, especially when it’s too cold to go outside for weeks or even months on end.  After the holidays are over there are a couple of months where there is not much to do, and you can’t wait to be warm again. (Can you tell I’m over it?!)

A couple weeks ago Spring finally started to show itself!  Spring for me is not just about the weather, it is about a renewal of life.  When the little sprouts of green grass and the tulips start to pop up out of the ground it signifies change and the beginnings of new life.  You feel a sense of hope, excitement and joy.  Spring gives me energy and is healing for my soul.  It is the shedding of the dreary and the mundane and the chance to come to life again.  I am so thankful for this season of new beginnings and warmth!

Without winter, spring wouldn’t be so wonderful.  Sometimes the only way to truly appreciate the beautiful seasons of life is to first go through the darkest ones.

- Cat Dobbs, Founder + Former Surrogate